Carbon Reduction

Carbon Reduction

Aldi’s Roadmap to Net-Zero


The timeline below represents the Aldi South Groups newly validated SBTi targets:

No deforestation

No deforestation in primary Aldi commodities

Scope 1: FLAG*

Reduce emissions by 30.3% from a 2021 baseline.

Scope 1 + 2:

Reduce emissions by 52% from a 2021 baseline

Scope 3: FLAG*

Reduce emissions by 30.3% from a 2022 baseline

Scope 3

Reduce emissions by 25% from a 2023 baseline

Scope 1 + 2

Reduce emissions by 90% from a 2021 baseline

Scope 1: FLAG*

Reduce emissions by 72% from a 2021 baseline

Scope 3: FLAG*

Reduce emissions by 72% from a 2022 baseline

Scope 3

Reduce emissions by 90% from a 2022 baseline

*FLAG: GHG Emissions related to Forest, Land, and Agriculture activity

What makes up Aldi’s carbon footprint?


Our Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Our Downstream Activity: Scope 3

Customers using our products, Disposing our products at home

Our Upstream Activity: Scope 2

The Electricity we purchase to power our stores and buildings

Aldi GB Operations: Scope 1

Refrigeration at Stores and Warehouses, Our logistics fleet, Heating our Buildings, Our company cars

Our Upstream Activity: Scope 3

The products we sell, Building our Stores, Our Supply Chain, Our Waste, Employee Commuting, Our Business Travel

Current Carbon Footprint

Our Operational Emissions (Scope 1 & 2)

2022 = 111,477 tCO2e, 3% reduction vs 2021

Our Supply Chain Emissions (Scope 3)

2022 = 24,237,020 tCO2e, (baseline year)

Key projects in own operations

Some of the activities we’ve been working on to reduce the emissions from our own operations (Scope 1 & 2) include:

  • 100% of the electricity we directly purchase is green, generated by renewable sources via the REGO certification method.
  • Replacing gas heating where possible with electric.
  • Converting to CO2 refrigerant gases for our refrigerant systems, which has a much lower global warming potential.
  • Transitioning our company cars to electric; over 60% of our Regional company car fleet is now electric!
  • Making the switch from diesel to lower-carbon alternative fuels like CNG and HVO for our HGVs, these fuels emit up to 90% less CO2.

We know we’re a business that needs to use energy to function but we’re trying to be as energy efficient as possible by:

  • Encourage our colleagues to be as efficient as possible in the key areas we do use energy (refrigeration, lighting, heating, fleet diesel and electrical appliances) via an internal engagement programme and our ISO 50001 energy management system.
  • Installing doors on fridges in our stores to reduce the electricity use of our refrigeration.


Key projects in supply chain emissions

We’re working hard to reduce the emissions related to our products, their journey to stores and how they’re used in our customers’ homes. A few of our reduction initiatives include:

  • Encouraging suppliers that account for 75% of our Scope 3 emissions to set Science Based Targets (SBTs), in line with a 1.5oC warming scenario
  • Acquiring primary data on manufacturing emissions with the Manufacture 2030 platform
  • Working with suppliers to develop product level carbon footprints
  • Ensuring 100% deforestation free status for higher-risk commodities including timber, paper, palm oil and soy at the end of 2025
  • Exploring alternative fuel trials for our inbound and outsourced outbound fleet
  • Improving the energy efficiency of our electrical products
  • Championing our customers to reduce their emissions by offering tips in our Specialbuy leaflets to save energy and reduce waste


Sustainable Development Goals

Affordable and Clean Energy

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Climate Action

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When defining our goals and priorities, we consider the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The two SDGs supported by our carbon reduction efforts discussed on this page are 7: Affordable and Clean Energy and 13: Climate Action.  Read more here.

Climate Protection

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Energy Efficiency

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Colleague Engagement Programme

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