Scottish Chocolate Cheesecake


Treat family and friends to this decadent Scottish chocolate dessert made with buttery Scottish shortbread.

Serves: 8 people   |   Prep time: 20 minutes   |   Cooking time: 90 minutes

Scottish   |   Dessert



For the base:

  • 150g Salted Scottish butter
  • 100g Light brown soft sugar
  • 200g Brochan Scottish Porridge oats

For the filling:

  • 200g Choceur dark chocolate
  • 120ml sour cream
  • 400g soft full fat soft cheese
  • 100g light brown soft sugar
  • 3 x medium Scottish eggs
  • 50ml Scotch Whisky
  • 50g Specially Selected all butter shortbread rounds
  • Scottish double cream

Optional topping:

  • Fresh berries; such as Scottish Raspberries
  • 1 x 20cm spring clip cake tin – with the base lined with non-stick baking parchment



  1. Preheat the oven to 180c/350f/gas 4.
  2. Chop the butter into chunks.
  3. Put into a small saucepan along with the sugar and melt.
  4. Put the oats in a bowl and add the butter mixture and mix well.
  5. Use this to line the base and halfway up the sides of the cake tin.
  6. Bake in the oven for 10/15 mins till the base is crisp and slightly brown.
  7. Allow to cool.
  8. Turn down the oven to 160c/320f/ gas 3.
  9. Break up the chocolate and put into a heatproof bowl – put this over a pan of boiling water – make sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water.
  10. Heat till it melts the chocolate, then turn of the heat.
  11. Whisk the eggs with the light brown sugar till frothy.
  12. Put the soft cheese and the sour cream into a large bowl .
  13. Whisk together and then whisk in the egg mix and the whisky.
  14. Pour in the melted chocolate and mix together.
  15. Pour into the cake tin.
  16. Break up the shortbread into small chunks and drop into the chocolate mix – pushing them in slightly with a teaspoon.
  17. Put the cake tin into a roasting tray and pour some hot water into the tray until it comes to half way up the cake tin.
  18. Bake in the oven for 70/75 mins.
  19. The top of the cake should be firm – but with a slight wobble when gently shaken – turn off the cooker and allow to rest for 20 mins.
  20. Then take out of the oven and allow to cool completely.
  21. Put into the fridge to chill for a few hours before gently removing from the tin.

Great served with Scottish whipped cream