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Which? Cheapest Supermarket February 2025 awarded by Which? and based on independent comparison of goods from Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi in February 2025. For more information visit which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison † Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 06/03/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 06/03/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
Which? Cheapest Supermarket February 2025 awarded by Which? and based on independent comparison of goods from Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi in February 2025. For more information visit which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison † Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 06/03/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 06/03/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
Which? Cheapest Supermarket 2024 endorsement is based on an independent comparison over 12 months of Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi. For more information visit https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison †Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 20/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 20/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. †Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 03.03.25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 03.03.25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here. Which? endorsement based on approximately 40 branded and non-branded items compared monthly in 2024.
Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. †Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 03.03.25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 03.03.25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here. Which? endorsement based on approximately 40 branded and non-branded items compared monthly in 2024.
†Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding promotional prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 27/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 27/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here. Which? Cheapest Supermarket 2024 endorsement is based on an independent comparison over 12 months of Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi. For more information visit https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison
Which? Cheapest Supermarket awarded 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021 and based on independent comparison over 12 months of Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison †Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 26/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 26/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
†Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 17/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 17/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here. Which? Cheapest Supermarket 2024 endorsement is based on an independent comparison over 12 months of Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi. For more information click here.
Which? Cheapest Supermarket awarded 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021 and based on independent comparison over 12 months of Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi Cheapest supermarkets 2025 - Which? †Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 20/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 20/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
Prices checked on tesco.com 17.02.25. Aldi £7.86. Tesco £11.86. Tesco may sell other products at different prices. Clubcard prices excluded. Products & prices may vary. For more info visit click here. It's scanner time. Which? info at Aldi Price Match.
Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. †Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 13.02.25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 13.02.25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here. Which? endorsement based on approximately 40 branded and non-branded items compared monthly in 2024.
Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. †Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 13.02.25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 13.02.25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here. Which? endorsement based on approximately 40 branded and non-branded items compared monthly in 2024.
Prices checked on tesco.com 11.02.25. Aldi £13.35. Tesco £19.92. Tesco may sell other products at different prices. Clubcard prices excluded. Products & prices may vary. For more info, please click here. It's scanner time. Which? info at aldi.co.uk/which
Which? Cheapest Supermarket January 2025 awarded by Which? and based on independent comparison of goods from Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi in January 2025. For more information visit which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison
†Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 07/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 07/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
Which? Cheapest Supermarket January 2025 awarded by Which? and based on independent comparison of goods from Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi in January 2025. For more information visit which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison
†Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 07/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 07/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
Which? Cheapest Supermarket January 2025 awarded by Which? and based on independent comparison of goods from Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi in January 2025. For more information visit which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison
†Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 03/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 03/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
Which? Cheapest Supermarket January 2025 awarded by Which? and based on independent comparison of goods from Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi in January 2025. For more information visit which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison
†Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 03/02/25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 03/02/25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here.
Which? Cheapest Supermarket awarded 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021 and based on independent comparison over 12 months of Lidl, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Waitrose and Aldi https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/supermarkets/article/supermarket-price-comparison
† Based on a comparison of Aldi products against products shown only. Tesco may sell own brand/other products at different prices. Excluding Clubcard prices. Lowest Tesco price pro rata, considering size and offers, used and checked on 27.01.25. Aldi prices and packaging correct as of 27.01.25. Subject to availability. Product packaging may differ in each region. Products and prices may vary in store, Scotland, Wales, Aldi Local and online. For more information, please click here. Which? endorsement based on approximately 40 branded and non-branded items compared monthly in 2024.