Responsibly Sourced Fish

Fish stocks around the world are under increasing strain from overfishing and pollution. Therefore, Aldi is committed to the sustainability of the world’s oceans and environment by ensuring that all of the fish and seafood used in our own-label products is responsibly sourced.

This will enable fish populations to remain healthy into the future and that the catch methods used have a minimal impact on the environment. Our policy is to continue to promote responsible fish sourcing in our products and we continue to strive for further improvements in fishery practices and certification.

We work in collaboration with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) a leading non-governmental organisation in the field of sustainable fishing, which acts as our independent adviser on fish sustainability. SFP rates the sustainability of the fish used in our own-label products and provides recommendations to drive continuous improvement of fisheries.

 At Aldi, the welfare of fish and seafood is a top priority, and we believe that certification of seafood is a crucial step in ensuring that our products are sourced responsibly. We use certification programmes such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for wild-caught fish, while for farmed fish and seafood we use the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), GLOBALG.A.P, Global Seafood Alliance and Best Aquaculture Practices (4*).

Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs)

We also encourage our Suppliers to support fisheries in becoming part of a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) where required, this is to help improve both environmental sustainability and social standards on fishing vessels and throughout production.

By choosing the MSC ecolabel on products you can trust it comes from a well-managed, sustainable fishery. Find out more about what the blue MSC ecolabel means to you here.

The Aldi Responsibly Sourced Fish logo provides assurance that the rest of our fish range is responsibly sourced too. All of our farmed fish is third-party certified, and our other wild caught fish is sourced from low-risk areas or suppliers working towards achieving a responsible and sustainable fishery certification.


We provide clear and transparent information for our customers by labelling 100% of our fish products with:

When you see the blue MSC ecolabel, you can be sure that the seafood you’re buying is sustainable. By choosing the MSC ecolabel on products you can trust it comes from a well-managed, sustainable fishery, meaning you can enjoy healthy, nutritious seafood while helping to preserve our oceans. Find out more about what the blue MSC ecolabel means to you here

Where you see the Aldi Responsibly Sourced Fish logo, this is assurance that the rest of our fish range is responsibly sourced too. All of our farmed fish is third-party certified, and our other wild caught fish is sourced from low-risk areas or those working towards achieving MSC certification.

Find out more about our Responsibly Sourced Fish Policy below.


Click below to explore our profile on the Ocean Disclosure Project website.

Fish & Seafood Welfare

Animal and Fish welfare are an important part of being a responsible business and we are committed to high standards of welfare for both farmed and wild fish. Our Specially Selected Scottish salmon is farmed to higher welfare standards and certified by RSPCA Assured. We work with our suppliers and with certification boards to ensure minimum standards for fish welfare are met in our products.

 Certification of our products also includes implementing strict requirements on the use of antibiotics in aquaculture and minimising the impact of farming practices on ecosystems. The certifications we use also focus on the welfare of the animals, constantly improving their requirements such as pre-slaughter stunning, maintaining good water quality, reducing stocking densities and the prohibition of eye-stalk ablation of species such as the whiteleg shrimp. We welcome the increase in requirements and will continue to collaborate with certification programs and NGOs to improve our standards in fish and seafood supply chains.

Fish feed

As an international retailer we are aware of our responsibility to ensure more sustainable fishing and aquaculture. The farm certification standards that we use, such as ASC, Global G.A.P and BAP, already have requirements about the sourcing of fish food ingredients.

To continue to guarantee that our fish and seafood products meet our customers’ expectations, we are in regular contact with certification bodies and NGOs to further develop their certification standards for the responsible sourcing of feed in aquaculture.

We also support SFP’s work on ‘Reduction Fisheries’ and Sustainable Fishmeal (supporting the Asian Reduction Fisheries Roundtable, for example) and are members of the Seafood Task Force, which among other things advocates the sustainable use of fishmeal in shrimp farming in Thailand.